WELCOME! To this project colaborative, of cultural exchange and solidarity, with what we seek to strengthen the promotion of an integral formation. You are invited to take part on this in your own language. Thanks for visiting! | Together we can better! |
This space is a formative offer that it is born because in Manos Unidas we want to promote the solidarity, and we are putting in practice from the Instituto Valle de Mexicali, Instituto Salvatierra and the Instituto San Felipe de Jesús.
When we see the injustice of the social conditions in which today many human beings live, the most urgent reaction before these situations is the SOLIDARITY. John Paul II proposed to cultivate the virtue of solidarity, that is, emphasize the need to conduct continuous and not confined to sporadic acts of goodwill.
The Social Doctrine of the Church meant by solidarity «radical uniformity and equality of all men and all peoples in all times and places, men and peoples, which constitute a total or family unit, which admits in its level generic differences occurring unnatural, and morally compelling and seriously every one to the practice of social cohesion, strong, creative coexistence. Cohesion in mutual service, both in the active sense as in the passive sense». We understand the solidarity as synonymous with equality, fraternity, mutual aid and allow for very close to the concepts of «responsibility, generosity, selflessness, cooperation and participation».
Desarrollo Integral Comunitario de Mexicali A. C. (MANOS UNIDAS)
se encuentra en Jabonera #5, Zona Centro, Mexicali, B. C., México.
RFC: DIC 850712 - M79 Teléfono: (686) 552 28 35
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